General Information
General Information
Baha Mar resort is a $5.2 billion integrated resort, casino, water park, and residential development perched on Nassau’s storied Cable Beach. 从浪漫之旅到家庭度假,从大型盛会到私密庆典,Baha Mar 可为所有旅行者打造真实而难忘的体验。2021 年 5 月,Baha Mar 推出 Baha Bay,这座豪华水上乐园位于葳蕤葱郁的海滨,占地 15 英亩,距离 Baha Mar 仅箭步之遥。Baha Mar 还拥有海洋生态保护区、私人岛屿、众多迷人的热带泳池以及可饱览巴哈马碧海清波的纯净白沙滩。度假村特色:
– 三大标志性酒店品牌:君悦酒店、SLS 酒店、瑰丽酒店
– Baha Bay 豪华水上乐园,占地 15 英亩,坐落在葳蕤蓊郁的海滨,是全家人的游乐天堂。
– 超过 45 家概念餐厅、酒吧和酒廊,均由世界知名厨师主理
– 加勒比海地区数一数二的大型娱乐场。The casino features both slots and table games rivaling the world’s best casino floors
– Flagship ESPA Baha Mar, a full-service spa which spectacular ocean view
– Royal Blue 高尔夫球场和 Royal Blue Tavern 餐厅,球场是 Jack Nicklaus 签名高尔夫球场,在巴哈马排名第一
– 当代画廊与艺术中心
– Baha Mar 会议艺术娱乐中心,设有宴会厅和分组讨论室
– 球类俱乐部,提供硬地、黏土和草地场地
– 奢品零售体验
Baha Mar is located 180 miles south of of Florida in The Bahamas on New Providence Island, and just a short distant from downtown Nassau, the nation’s capital recognized as the heart of Bahamian culture and commerce. Baha Mar is a 10-minute drive from Nassau’s Lynden Pindling International Airport, so your Bahamas vacation can start as soon as you arrive and is centrally located among the 700 unique and beautiful islands of The Bahamas, should you choose to explore further.
Approximate flight times to Baha Mar in Nassau, The Bahamas:
MIAMI 55 Minutes
ORLANDO 1.25 Hours
CHARLOTTE 2.25 Hours
DALLAS 3 Hours
NEW YORK 3 Hours
TORONTO 3.25 Hours
CHICAGO 3.5 Hours
LONDON 9.5 Hours
所有成年人和儿童必须持有有效护照才能前往巴哈马。You will pre-clear U.S. Immigration and Customs in the Bahamas.
There are three luxury hotel brands at Baha Mar: Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, Rosewood Baha Mar and SLS Baha Mar. For more information about Baha Mar’s hotels click here.
One Baha Mar Boulevard, Nassau, N.P, The Bahamas
242-788-8000, international calling rates apply
否,Baha Mar 目前不提供日票。泳池和海滩是为住店宾客保留的私享之地。Non-guests are welcome to play in the casino, enjoy our many indoor restaurants and bars, retail shops, relax at both Sense and ESPA spas, play tennis & golf, participate in The Current art classes and purchase day passes for the Baha Bay, our luxury 15 acre waterpark.
No, Baha Mar guests do not need to purchase water park tickets for access to Baha Bay water park. Baha Mar resort guests enjoy unlimited access to Baha Bay during their stay. For more information about Baha Bay waterpark click here.
From iconic international luxury brands to one-of-a-kind island finds, shopping at Baha Mar is an experience filled with discovery and delight. For the most up-to-date information, please click here.
如需将信件或包裹邮寄至 Baha Mar,请写明下方确切地址。请务必注明收件人的姓名。
Baha Mar
One Baha Mar Boulevard
收件人:姓名和电话号码、酒店(SLS 酒店、瑰丽酒店、君悦酒店)
Our electricity is standard U.S. 120 volt AC 60 hz.
There is no additional cost for wireless internet and service is available throughout the entire Baha Mar resort property.
Yes, Baha Mar offers a number of exciting, educational activities for all ages such as learning about marine and land-based animals at the Beach Sanctuary, Explorers Kids Club, children’s art classes at The Current, as well as golf and tennis clinics. For more information about Baha Mar’s kids activities click here.
The legal drinking age at Baha Mar is 18 years old.
The legal age to gamble at Baha Mar’s casino is 18 years old.
Resort and sport attire is appropriate during the day at Baha Mar. Shoes and cover-ups are required in the casino, lobbies and indoor public spaces. For sports, including tennis and golf, please wear surface appropriate shoes and sport clothing. At the pool, swim suits, pool attire and similar apparel are permitted.
我们非常欢迎您携爱犬一起下榻。要参加宠物计划,请至少在抵达前 3 天通知酒店您将携宠物同住。宠物犬须受过训练,且体重不超过 50 磅,两只犬总体重不得超过 75 磅。每间客房或套房最多可容纳两只宠物犬。
•入住 1 至 6 晚,需一次性支付 250 美元强制清洁费。
•入住 7 晚或以上,需一次性支付 300 美元强制清洁费。
•宠物犬必须在晚上 9:30 以后保持安静。
•很抱歉,高尔夫球场或酒店的餐饮场所、健康俱乐部或泳池区域不允许携带宠物。服务性动物不适用该政策。Service animals are dogs individually trained to perform tasks and help someone with a disability who requires assistance. Therapy and emotional support animals differ from service animals and are not allowed in the above locations.
是的!All of our guest rooms offer a variety of essential in-room amenities including irons, ironing boards, hairdryers, coffee makers, and in-room safety deposit boxes.
请致电 242.788.8000 联系酒店礼宾部,了解更多详情。
可以。作为已登记的住店宾客,您可以选择将 Baha Mar 度假村的所有餐饮消费计入您的房间账单。
During your stay at Baha Mar, you’ll enjoy a wide array of inclusions designed to enhance your stay. Exclusive benefits during your stay at our luxury resort include: unlimited access to Baha Bay, our luxury 15 acre waterpark, resort-wide Internet/Wi-Fi, 2 bottled waters refreshed daily in guest room, health club/fitness center access, coffee/tea service, electronic newspaper distribution through Crave tablets, local calls and access fees. Complimentary beach activities included are personal floatation devices, single kayaks, double kayaks, stand-up paddle boards and Zayak reef boards. 另加收政府税。
For lost and found items at Baha Mar, please email lostandfound@bahamar.com
1) 在您出发之前,请通知所有发卡银行您将要前往巴哈马,以及您的旅行日期,以确保您能够使用资金。
2) 请咨询您的发卡银行,了解您的 ATM 或信用卡在国外是否有每日消费或取款限制。
3) 确保您知道自己的借记卡或信用卡的 PIN 码,以便您能够从全球 ATM 机上获得当地货币。
For concerns or issues at Baha Mar, please email your hotel directly at:
Grand Hyatt: NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com, guestservice-slsbahamar@slshotels.com
Rosewood: fo.rwbhm@rosewoodhotels.com
Hotel Reservations & Billing
Hotel Reservations & Billing
You must be 18 years old to book a room at one of Baha Mar’s three hotels.
君悦酒店的入住时间为下午 4:00,退房时间为上午 11:00(美国东部标准时间)。Rosewood check-in is at 4pm and checkout is at Noon. SLS 酒店的入住时间为下午 4:00,退房时间为上午 11:00。Please contact your hotel 24 hours in advance if you would like to request an early check-in or late checkout.
根据空房情况,宾客可以要求提前入住或延迟退房。Please contact your hotel 24 hours in advance if you would like to request an early check-in or late checkout, fees may apply.
For a final copy for your hotel billing, please email your hotel directly at:
Grand Hyatt: NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com, guestservice-slsbahamar@slshotels.com
Rosewood: fo.rwbhm@rosewoodhotels.com
For general hotel room charge and billing information at Baha Mar, please email your hotel directly at:
Grand Hyatt: NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com, guestservice-slsbahamar@slshotels.com
Rosewood: fo.rwbhm@rosewoodhotels.com
Room reservations at Baha Mar are handled directly by Grand Hyatt, SLS and Rosewood. Please contact your hotel below with inquiries.
Grand Hyatt: Reservations.grandbahamar@hyatt.com, NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: reservations.slsbahamar@slshotels.com, slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com
Rosewood: Reservations@rosewoodhotels.com
Room reservations and cancellations at Baha Mar are handled directly by Grand Hyatt, SLS and Rosewood. Please contact your hotel below with inquiries.
Grand Hyatt: Reservations.grandbahamar@hyatt.com, NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: reservations.slsbahamar@slshotels.com, slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com
Rosewood: Reservations@rosewoodhotels.com
Room reservations at Baha Mar are handled directly by Grand Hyatt, SLS and Rosewood. Please contact your hotel below with inquiries.
Grand Hyatt: Reservations.grandbahamar@hyatt.com, NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: reservations.slsbahamar@slshotels.com, slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com
Rosewood: Reservations@rosewoodhotels.com
Hotel services at Baha Mar are handled directly by Grand Hyatt, SLS and Rosewood. Please contact your hotel below with inquiries.
Grand Hyatt: Reservations.grandbahamar@hyatt.com, NASGH-Shared.MB-Rooms.Control@hyatt.com
SLS: reservations.slsbahamar@slshotels.com, slsbahamarfrontofficemanagers@slshotels.com
Rosewood: Reservations@rosewoodhotels.com
Hotel Concierge
Hotel Concierge
Each hotel at Baha Mar has it’s own concierge which can be contacted in person at the resort or by using the emails below.
Grand Hyatt: Concierge.NASGH@hyatt.com
SLS: slsbahamarconcierge@slshotels.com
Rosewood: bahamar.concierge@rosewoodhotels.com, bahamar.guestrelations@rosewoodhotels.com
Restaurants, Bars & Lounges
Restaurants, Bars & Lounges
Restaurant reservation at Baha Mar can be made directly online at https://bahamar.com/culinary/ . For specific inquires about Baha Mar’s destination dining venues, please use the email below. *Important to note, emails are generally answered within 48 hours of receipt.
Café Boulud: rwbhm.cafeboulud@rosewoodhotels.com
Carna: carnaBMRSVP@slshotels.com
Cinko: kosher@bahamar.com
Cleo: cleoBMRSVP@slshotels.com
Costa: alysha.dean@rosewoodhotels.com
Fi’lia: FiliaBMreservations@slshotels.com
Katsuya: katsuyabmreservations@slshotels.com
Knosh: kosher@bahamar.com
Marcus at Baha Mar Fish + Chop House: marcusbahamar@hyatt.com, edricka.hepburn@hyatt.com
Pizza Lab: pizzalabrsvp@titan.bs
Regatta: dianna.dorsett@hyatt.com
Shuang Ba: shuangba@hyatt.com, edricka.hepburn@hyatt.com
Sugar Factory: bahamasmanagers@sugarfactory.com
The Swimming Pigs: swimmingpigreception@titan.bs
For group dinners reservations of 10 or more guests at Baha Mar, please contact the following:
Cinko, Knosh, Marcus at Baha Mar Fish + Chop, Regatta, Shuanga Ba
Carna, Cleo, Fi’lia, Katsuya
Café Boulud, Costa
alysha.dean@rosewoodhotels.com, alvaro.acebal@rosewoodhotels.com
Pizza Lab
The Swimming Pigs
For lounge chair, day bed, and cabana reservations at Privilege go to https://sls.ipoolside.com/. For specific inquiries please contact: privilegereservations@slshotels.com.
For general Bond information go to https://bahamar.com/bond/. For reservation inquires please contact: bondRSVP@slshotels.com.
For general Marcus Up Top information and reservations go to https://bahamar.com/marcus-up-top/. For specific inquires contact:marcusbahamar@hyatt.com.
For general Skybar information and reservations go to https://bahamar.com/skybar/. For resort guests there is no cover charge at Skybar, tables for up to 12 guests can be served in advance.
To book a car service, van or other private airport transportation to and from Baha Mar, visit https://bahamar.com/transportation/ or email reservations@mtsbahamas.com.
Our concierge can assist guests with private limousine reservations.
There are no car rental agencies located at Baha Mar, however, major car rental providers such as Avis, Hertz and Budget offer services at the Nassau’s airport.
从 Lynden Pindling 国际机场,驶入 John F.Kennedy Dr.(东向),然后左转/向北直接到达 Baha Mar Blvd。
这里使用的是英国驾驶规则,因此请记住在道路的左侧行驶。环形交叉路口很常见,请务必从左侧进入。Visitors may use their home license for up to three months
度假村提供 24 小时免费自助停车和代客泊车服务。
Baha Bay 水上乐园
Baha Bay 水上乐园
Located directly adjacent to Baha Mar resort, Baha Bay is luxury beachfront waterpark set on 15 lush beachfront acres. Baha Mar resort guests enjoy unlimited access to Baha Bay. For more information go to: https://bahabay.bahamar.com/
Weddings, Private Events, Celebrations
Weddings, Private Events, Celebrations
For wedding information at Baha Mar, please visit https://bahamar.com/weddings/ or submit an inquiry here.
Yes, Baha Mar has a wedding chapel on site as well as a number of other romantic venues to make your special day unforgettable. For wedding information at Baha Mar, please visit https://bahamar.com/weddings/ or submit an inquiry here.
For information about private events at Baha Mar, please visit https://bahamar.com/events/ or submit an inquiry here.
For information about celebrating a special occasion at Baha Mar, like milestone birthdays, anniversaries, bachelorette / bachelor groups, bat/ bar mitzvahs, gender reveals, etc. please visit https://bahamar.com/events/ or submit an inquiry here.
Day Trips & Excursions
Day Trips & Excursions
For more information about, or to book, a day trip or excursion please visit our official partner, Discover Bahamas at https://www.discover-bahamas.com/tours-in-bahamas or call 800-758-0633. Discover Bahamas offers catamaran cruises, scuba diving & snorkeling, out-island trips to swim with The Bahamas iconic pigs, as well as many other wild life and cultural tours.
Amenities & Experiences
Amenities & Experiences
Baha Mar has two world class full-service spas, ESPA and Sense, a Rosewood Spa, which offer a variety of services and treatments including massage, facials, body treatments, as well as manicures and pedicures for men and women.
To change or cancel a reservation, and for general ESPA questions please email, espa@bahamar.com or call 242-788-7800
Sense Spa Reservations
To change or cancel a reservation, and for general Sense Spa questions please email, bahamar.sensespa@rosewoodhotels.com or call 242-788-8590
Baha Mar Fitness Center at ESPA offers a wide range of cardio and weight equipment options in a stunning setting with a spectacular oceanfront view. 宾客可免费使用 ESPA 健身设施。For more information about Baha Mar’s fitness center click here.
Baha Mar offers a variety of sports activities, including The Royal Blue Golf Club, a Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course and The Racquet Club Baha Mar, a world-class tennis and pickleball facility with a choice of clay and hard surface courts. We also offer bocce, croquet, basketball courts Mini Blue, our 18 hole miniature golf course, and a number of water sports.
To book a golf tee time at Baha Mar’s Royal Blue golf course go to https://bahamar.com/reservations/golf/. For questions about Royal Blue please email royalblue@bahamar.com, andy.deiro@bahamar.com.
Baha Mar’s Royal Blue golf course is located directly across the street from the resort, 3 minutes by shuttle. 我们的免费班车在君悦酒店接送宾客,每 15 分钟一班。
The Racquet Club at Baha Mar is a luxurious tennis and pickleball facility that offers guests the opportunity to play outdoors on either clay or hard surfaces. 共有 8 片场地,专为各种技能水平的选手设计。We also offer two dedicated pickle ball courts. 重点在于享受乐趣和健身!For those looking to perfect their skills, pro’s are available for lessons. For more information about Baha Mar’s racquet club click here.
To reserve a tennis court, book a lesson or sign up for a group class at Baha Mar Racquet Club, please email tennis@bahamar.com or call 242-788-7880
To reserve a pickle ball court, book a lesson or sign up for a group class at Baha Mar Racquet Club, please email tennis@bahamar.com or call 242-788-7880
Yes, Baha Mar’s professionally inspired 18-hole mini golf course Mini Blue is located adjacent to the tennis and basketball courts on the southeast (fountain side) of the resort. To learn more Baha Mar’s mini golf course click here.
To reserve Mini Blue, Baha Mar’s mini golf course, for a private event please email miniblue@bahamar.com.
To reserve a cabana at Baha Mar, please go to page https://bahamar.com/cabanas/.
To make a reservation at The Kitchen please go to https://bahamar.com/the-kitchen/. For questions about The Kitchen please email thekitchen@bahamar.com, activities@bahamar.com.
To book a wildlife experience at Baha Mar’s Sanctuary go to https://bahamar.com/reservations/sanctuary/ . For questions about wildlife experiences at the Sanctuary please email WildlifeReservations@bahamar.com, activities@bahamar.com.
海滩生态保护区包括动物展览和保护教育活动,让宾客可以在一个地方尽览整个巴哈马群岛的自然美景。To learn more Baha Mar’s Beach Sanctuary click here.
To book a reservation at Baha Mar’s Kids Club go to https://bahamar.com/reservations/kids/ . For questions about Baha Mar’s Kids Club please email explorers.kidsclub@bahamar.com.
Yes, Baha Mar offers babysitting services and our associates are vetted, as well as CPR and first aid certified, childcare professionals. For more information and to book a babysitter please email.
To reserve the Game Zone at Baha Mar for a private event please email gamezone@bahamar.com.
The Current art studio, gallery and boutique at Baha Mar offers a range of art classes that can be booked at https://bahamar.com/reservations/art/. For questions about art classes and The Current please email thecurrent@bahamar.com.
The Frame Shop at The Current is located within the The Current Art Gallery & Studio, ground level Fountain side in the Rotunda. For contact information please go to https://thecurrent.bahamar.com/pages/the-current-frame-shop
Baha Mar’s mascot, Frankie, can be booked for parties, photoshoots and even a nighttime tuck in. Please go to https://bahamar.com/frankie/#packages.
To reserve a mobility scooter or wheelchair for you stay at Baha Mar, please go to https://bahamarmobility.idaypass.com/.
Yes, complete valet laundry and dry cleaning service are available at Baha Mar.
For information about a Baha Mar Casino Host please email casinovip@bahamar.com, casinoservicessuprs@bahamar.com.
To connect with Casino Services at Baha Mar please email casinovip@bahamar.com, casinoservicessupr@bahamar.com, casinoservices@bahamar.com.
For a Line of Credit or Front Money applications at Baha Mar please go to: https://bahamar.com/casino/credit/. For specific Casino Credit questions, please email credit@bahamar.com
有关具体博彩课程的更多信息,请联系 casinoservices@bahamar.com.