Commercial photography or videography of any kind at Baha Mar or of the Baha Mar properties is strictly prohibited unless otherwise approved in advance by Baha Mar. Requests to photograph and film at Baha Mar will be evaluated on an individual basis. Due to liability requirements, confidentiality agreements and guest privacy, all photography, film, and videography requests are subject to discretionary approval by the Legal Department and Marketing Department of Baha Mar. Baha Mar reserves the exclusive right to grant or refuse access to any photography, film, and videography request. Baha Mar 进一步保留要求任何参与酒店内商业摄影或摄像活动(捕捉商用图像或音频)的当事方签署书面协议和保单的权利。所有涉及摄影、录影和摄像的媒体申请必须事先获得批准,且拍摄须在市场营销总监或指定人员的陪同下进行。未经当事人明确许可,任何摄影师或录像师在任何时候都不得拍摄酒店内的任何宾客。Photography is never permitted in the Men’s or Women’s Spa facilities or the restroom facilities located throughout the property.
The use in photography or videography of any Baha Mar trademarks including but not limited to images, logos, slogans, titles and names require written consent of same obtained in advance from the Baha Mar Legal Department prior to their use and display. 任何违反上述政策的行为都可能牵涉到暂停您在 Baha Mar 享有的特权,外加可能通过民事司法程序或由任何巴哈马执法部门提起的诉讼(包括但不限于非法侵入和盗用)。